South African Upcycling Designers

Meet the fabulous team of South African Designers that showed at Munich Creative Business Week.

thewrendesign’ve met me – Wendren, and Jeremy my other half.


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but have you met Willard from Africa Feeling? Using wire collected after the grapes in the Cape are harvested (from vineyards), it is powder-coated and then skilfully wrapped and twisted to make stools and other structures. [above]

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Sean Magpieor Sean from Magpie? [above]. Sean and his team from Magpie make plastic chandeliers, light dressings and many other fabulously delightful creations.

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RocheI also met new designer on the block, Roché. [above]. She works with old bicycle tyres and my favourite work of hers were the tyre lace necklaces.

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Shirleys Rustic FramesShirley and Clive from Shirley’s Rustic Frames. [above]. Using old wood they make beautiful picture frames.


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Fantastic Alison from Kunye who you will see more of in the future as we collaborate on some new projects. She brought her plastic crocheted work. [above].

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Kraal GalleryThe great team of Alex and Nazeema from the Kraal Gallery who weave rugs and tapestries out of the excess cotton scraps from the textile industry. [above].

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HeathThe infamous Heath Nash and his recycled plastic lights. [above].

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JennyJennee Rossee creates with papier-maché. Her items were lost but she rose above this by creating a new piece right there at the museum (you can see the reformed chair peeking out from the back on the top-left). [above].

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LorraineLorraine from African Queen. chandeliers out of seeds pods. [above].


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Justin from Junk-a-new showed his assembled found chandelier, plastic feather mirrors and amazing lights. [above].


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Katie from Recreate makes furniture out of unusual pieces of luggage and other furniture. For example, a chair out of a case and a beautiful clock out of a scale. [above].

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AntonetteAntonette from Art27 showed her chairs out of old tomato paste barrels. [above]


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Brian made some wonderful wire sculptures for the event including this (almost life size) red bull bull. [above].

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Finally, two of the most important people of the team were Melanie Mahona, from the South African Government who got us all to Germany and helped us each present the best side of South African design there is and Eva Ploder who organised and put on the exhibition on. The exhibition was a great success thanks for Eva’s vision to see us all together and present it together with Munich Creative Business Week that was certainly an event bigger than any of us (or, at least me) dreamt I would ever be apart of.

Melanie Eva

Thank you Melanie, Eva and the team of World Of Eve – Ushi, Christina and Andreas.

1 thoughts on “South African Upcycling Designers

  1. Alison says:

    Great representation of a wonderful Exhibition … thanks to all of you that made it happen….Thank you Eva for selecting each one of us for this treat!

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