Goals Achieved

Every year I am left shocked when I find my goal sheet from the previous year. Last year I got as far as scribbling them down (with a few pics) and briefly mentioning them in a blog post. Other than that, I have to shamefully admit that they sat in an unopened file on my desktop. As it is a new year I decided to open it even though I was afraid I would discover a list of unachieved goals. To my greatest joy, this was not quite the case.

Those highlighted with green mark the goals that are in process of becoming a reality and those highlighted with yellow mark those which have been achieved exactly.

I think my biggest achievement from 2009 is the one which has just happened > I have been given a spot as an Emerging Creative at the Design Indaba 2010. Out of the blue last Friday I got an email informing me that I have been given a stand at the exhibition! I am SO excited about this space even though my to-do-list is running off the page at the moment becuase the event is in 3 weeks time.

Note to self: Must add ‘make 2010 goal list’ to the to-do-list.